Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Now that's something we don't have in South Africa, except on the mountain tops.
I remember the first time in about 2003? Yeah, that winter was very cold, and we heard that it was snowing in a place about three hours from where we lived. The next day at 6 in the morning my mom dad and we five siblings went on a road trip looking for snow.
We ended up seeing lots of snow - but only on the mountains....we were told by morning whatever snow had came down to the ground had already melted .
Then in 2007 amazingly it snowed where we lived. It was all over the radio, everybody was running outside trying to catch the feathery flakes as they fell. It was beautiful. And so we got to see about a millimetre of snow....too little to actually make a snow man or have a now ball fight, but I loved every moment of it.

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